29 October 2011

dehydrated flax crackers

My journey away from gluten has been a long and winding road, to borrow a phrase, full of stops and starts and steps back and leaps forward. Initially, I found the lack of all things bread-like very difficult, and worked up some recipes for substitutes.

Mostly, now,  I just avoid gluten without missing it. But it was different when I was moving from a sandwich and bagel-heavy diet. What do you put things *on* when you have no bread, but want to eat a nut butter, or sunflower pate sandwich? These crackers, and all their fraternal siblings kept me sane during that transition.

My recipe changes depending on what I've got in the pantry and fridge, but I always start with flax seeds soaked overnight in lots of water. I add soaked raw nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts are favourites) and raw seeds, and whatever raw vegetables I have on hand. Literally, any vegetable you care to eat raw works. I enjoy carrot, sweet bell peppers, celery, and kale. Chopped sea vegetables add a wonderful depth of flavour, but be careful not to overdo it. A little goes a long way, and adds a pletora of goodness even in small quantities. To add a little distinct flavour, I add curry spices or Mexican combinations or herbes de Provence. I always add salt.

Blend each ingredient separately, or in small batches to ensure it is well chopped. Combine all ingredients into one bowl and mix well before spreading onto the mesh trays of the dehydrator. I always turn the sheets after they have half-dried. At this point it is easy to score the crackers to make them easier to break into squares when they are completely dried.

I store my crackers in the freezer to ensure freshness.

1 comment:

  1. One more reason I need to ask for a dehydrator for Christmas! These look really good!
